Eight Months Into Mommyhood….

June 4, 2010

I did have plans to write this post on Wednesday (Noah’s actual 8 month day) but things don’t always turn out as planned so here it is a few days late.

Can someone please tell me how it’s scientifically possible for eight months of life to fly by in the blink of an eye? Seriously? Anyone? I can not believe my baby is eight months old already. It does not seem possible! When I was pregnant it seemed like time sped up but now I feel like it’s on warp speed. I really wish it would stop that already.

Anyways, we celebrated Noah’s 8 month day by buying him a big boy car seat. Honestly I’m still amazed that we got that long out of his infant carrier. The boy is a chunk and I thought he would pass the weight limit sooner. I’m also disappointed that we didn’t get to use it longer (those things are not cheap.) I had literally spent hours and hours on the computer researching all of the best brands and safety features and what not and we finally decided to spend the extra money for the peace of mind and known reputation of a Britax Boulevard. We sat Noah in several different makes and models and this honestly seemed to fit him the best. It must be comfy because he passed out as soon as we started driving.

Doesn’t he look adorable?

Anyways, I really hope this makes a difference in how Noah feels about the car. I don’t know how much longer I can handle the screaming from the front seat. See he does just fine when the hubby is driving and I’m sitting in the back with him but if it’s just us and he is back there alone he acts like I am torturing him. It’s gotten to where I think twice before loading him up and driving more than a few miles.  Hopefully he will be able to see more and be more comfortable in the backseat.  But here is my question for you. How long did you continue to sit in the back seat with your baby? It’s definitely more convenient to be there to hand toys and snacks as needed but at some point I would like to sit in the front seat with my husband again. Maybe someday…

Before I close here are a few of the things Noah is doing now!

*Rolling like a mad man. I’m pretty sure if he was motivated enough he could crawl, but I think he lacks the interest.

*Self feeding w/ the pincer grasp. I love watching him feed himself puffs! Of course he’s still only successful about 60% of the time and often forgets to let go of the food before taking his fingers out of his mouth but he’s getting there

*Drinking from a sippy cup and a straw! We started with the Nuby sippy cup with the silicone nipple and he did great. Now we’re using the Nuby with the silicone straw and he loves it. He also loves to bite the straw

*Teething like crazy. He’s had his bottom 2 teeth for about 3 months and now he suddenly has 4 top teeth breaking at once. OUCH!

*Pulling himself up. He can go from sitting to standing with little to no assistance. He’s always loved to stand on his legs and I know it won’t be long before he is walking. (Someone please hold me I am definitely not ready for that)

*Standing on the furniture. If I stand him up agains the couch or anything else he can totally stand on his own and for several minutes.

*Eating table food. He recently decided he was done with purees and only wanted to eat things he can chew. So far his favorites are diced up squash, zucchini, and green beans. We still haven’t tried dairy again but I did by some organic yogurt to try soon.

*Saying Momma, Dadda, and Poppa. He’s actually started saying Momma when he’s reaching for me and I melt every single time!

2 Responses to “Eight Months Into Mommyhood….”

  1. Dani_Zaz said

    We also have a Britax car seat for my son. We went with the marathon and my only complaint is that it does not have the cushioning around the head like the Boulevard does. Congrats on the little man turning 8 months

    • Ashley B said

      Thank you! I was worried the headrest would be too bulky but it’s really not and it’s super easy to adjust. Those things are so expensive and I was terrified he was going to hate it!

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