This isn’t my 1st attempt at a blog. I tried a personal blog a few years ago and all was well for about a week. Then it got pushed to the side like so many of my other projects. I also did the pregnancy blog thing and that went a little better. It was a great way to keep family who lives far away updated on the pregnancy. So here it is, my 3rd attempt. (The 3rd times a charm right???) I’ve been so inspired by all of the great mommy blogs out there and I’m really not sure I have anything to offer but I’m going to give it a shot. If nothing else I hope this blog can be a way for me to keep account of all of the amazing things that Noah does. Did I mention that I am the mom a 6 month old little boy who I’m pretty sure is the greatest thing on the planet. He’s the light of my life. I’m also blessed with an amazing husband who has made so many sacrifices for my to be a stay at home more, and for that I am eternally grateful.  So here it is, my 1st post. Hopefully it will be the first of many…