About a week or so ago we were at the mall doing some shopping and decided to stop in at Janie and Jack. Billy had seen a fedora in the window and he HAD to get it for Noah. (My husband desperately wished he could pull off a fedora, sadly, he can not.) So we went in and tried it on and OH MY GOSH I nearly died from the cuteness. The best part is Noah loves it and he’ll wear it for hours. Here are some pictures in case you need proof that my child is the coolest kid eva!

You wouldn’t believe the number of comments we have gotten on this hat. We literally can’t go anywhere without random people stopping us to ask where we got it, and how we get him to keep it on. (Personally I think he knows it looks awesome, and that’s why he keeps it on.) By the way the second picture is Noah doing “so big!”  Man I love that kid!