Today was Noah’s 6 month check up and I am glad to report that all is well. The doctor was really impressed with physical and social development and of course that makes mamma very happy. I mean I know Noah is progressing perfectly but it’s always good to hear your doctor agree with you. Of course his skin is still an issue. That dang eczema just won’t go away but for now it’s not bothering Noah so we’re just going to keep an eye on it. I was worried the doctor would be mad that we started solids last month since he recommended waiting until 6 months but he was very supportive when we told him why we started them. The kid is growing like a weed. At 67 months and 4 days he weighs 18 lbs 2 oz and is 26 inches long. He’s 50-75% for his weight and only 25-50% for his height but neither I nor my husband are very tall so chances are Noah will be pretty average. Did I mention that his head is 75-90%. The kid has a big noggin! It’s funny how important all of these numbers become. One of the things I look forward to the most at these visits is finding out his measurements to see how he stacks up.

On a side note the poor guy had to get his 6 month vaccines today. He got 3 needle pokes and a vile or that sugar liquid stuff. Anyways, this isn’t a post on choosing to vaccinate so I’ll stop here. Here’s a picture of him worn out from all of the excitement. See the little band-aids on his poor widdle wegs? Ignore my un-made bed please.