About a week or so ago we were at the mall doing some shopping and decided to stop in at Janie and Jack. Billy had seen a fedora in the window and he HAD to get it for Noah. (My husband desperately wished he could pull off a fedora, sadly, he can not.) So we went in and tried it on and OH MY GOSH I nearly died from the cuteness. The best part is Noah loves it and he’ll wear it for hours. Here are some pictures in case you need proof that my child is the coolest kid eva!

You wouldn’t believe the number of comments we have gotten on this hat. We literally can’t go anywhere without random people stopping us to ask where we got it, and how we get him to keep it on. (Personally I think he knows it looks awesome, and that’s why he keeps it on.) By the way the second picture is Noah doing “so big!”  Man I love that kid!

My 1st Mother’s Day

May 10, 2010

Yesterday was my first real Mother’s Day and I must say it was pretty awesome. I remember last year I was pregnant and dreaming about what kind of mom I would be to the little peanut wiggling around in my belly. I was about 18 weeks or so and had just started feeling the first little flutters. Fast forward one year and my life has changed more than I ever could have imagined! Noah is far more than I ever could have expected. He amazes me every single day and I feel so honored that I get to be his mommy.

So here’s a recap of my 1st M’s day.

The morning started off pretty standard. We went to church and then went to Chelsea’s Kitchen, this fab little restaurant that we tend to save for special occasions. We enjoyed a great brunch along w/ an amazing pitcher of sangria. We then went home and took a family nap (Ah-mazing) before heading out to my grandmother’s for this big family lunch. (Literally the entire family meets at my grandmother’s house EVERY holiday.) We then headed home and I went for a little solo shopping trip to Target. Now, normally I HATE leaving Noah and make these trips as quick as possible but this time I quite enjoyed myself. I even decided to go swim suit shopping and found one that doesn’t look awful on me. Here it is.

Cute, no? I like that it covered my post-baby belly without looking like an old lady swimsuit. I also bought Noah these because we have a birthday pool party to go to this weekend.

He looks so cute in orange. Can’t wait to see him in it. I just hope he likes the pool, but I doubt it because the kid HATES the bath. Anyways, all in all it was a great day until about 10:30 when I realized Noah was getting very squirmy and starting to feel a little feverish. Full blown fever set in around 2 a.m. Poor guy. I sure hope he can kick this thing today. I hate seeing him sick.