Today I had my hair done for the first time in WAY too long. Five months to be exact. It’s actually only the 2nd time I’ve had my hair done in the last 12 months and this, my friends is just unacceptable. I used to LOVE getting my hair done and I really think I need to make more of an effort to keep it up again. I had become so stuck in the pony tail rut that I wasn’t convinced I could get out, but with my loving husbands encouragement I did something pretty drastic. I probably cut off a good six inches at least. I should have taken some before pictures but I didn’t so you will just have to take my word for it. Here are the after shots, but please don’t be to critical. This is my (almost) sans make-up. I did put mascara on today. That’s usually about as far as I get.

One of my favorite little things in life is hair straight from the salon. I love it. Maybe because I have NO hair styling skills and it’s the only time my hair looks good, but did you notice the ah-dorable little clippy I was rockin? That was courtesy of my pal Emily who will soon be selling them in her own Etsy shop. I can’t wait to order a few more.  (Oh and by the way she has a super cute daughter so you should most definitely check out her blog!)

*Speaking of reading worth blogs you should check out my hubby’s new blog. He’s pretty awesome. Leave him some love and tell him I sent you!