Time Keeps On Slippin……

April 1, 2010

Where has the time gone? Seriously. Noah will be 6 months tomorrow. I don’t see how this is possible. Time is playing tricks on me and I don’t like it one bit. As a teacher I was always amazed at home a school year could seem to creep by but at the same time be gone before you knew it, but that is nothing compared to this. Every day seems to go by so fast. Every time I look at Noah he’s doing something new. I keep finding myself looking forward to milestones (did I mention he’s rolling over AND sitting up now??) and then feeling a bit sad when they actually happen. I know I only get to experience all of these 1st once so I am trying to make the most of them and just live in every moment. I think this is part of the reason why I am in no rush to get him in his own bed. I know soon he won’t want to cuddle with me at night, and just thinking about that brings tears to my eyes.  It’s impossible to imagine that he is already half way to his first birthday. He’s a mover and a shaker and I know it’s just a matter of weeks before he is crawling. So for now I’m going to hold my baby boy as much as he’ll let me, kiss him every chance I get, and take a million pictures to capture this amazing time.

It’s amazing how much they  change in just 6 months! Incredible!

One Response to “Time Keeps On Slippin……”

  1. Love the photo montage… and now that song’s caught in my head!

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